Annual Conference

I don’t know how other Christian denominations function but the United Methodist Church is connectional in nature, bringing structure and governance within the denomination, as well as combined resources to strengthen its collective ministry. The local church, which serves as the primary arena for disciple-making, is part of a larger structure, facilitating the work and mission of the Church in the world. Laity hold their membership to the United Methodist Church at the local church level.

The local churches are organized into Charge Conferences, which are then organized into Districts. Districts are organized into an Annual Conference and is where clergy hold their membership. Annual Conferences are organized into Jurisdictional Conferences within the United States of America and Central Conferences around the globe outside of the United States. These conferences elect bishops which lead the Annual Conferences in their ministries as well as set the borders and boundaries of Conferences.

The Jurisdictional Conferences with the Central Conferences are organized into the General Conference which serves as the Governing Body of the Church lead by the Council of Bishops. The Judicial Council, made up of clergy and laity, serves at as the Judicial branch of the church, ensuring that the actions of the Conferences are in order as well as ensuring that clergy and laity have fair church trial if needed.

This weekend, the United Methodists of Greater New Jersey will gather for their Annual Conference. We will explore what new possibilities God has in store for us. Jane Marion will go as an elected representative for St. Paul’s Bay Head. While there, she (and I) will have the opportunity to vote on a number of different things like the conference budget, some of the conference leadership, minimum salaries for pastors, pension, parsonage standards, church closures and disaffiliation- the basic business.

It’s not just about the business though. We will hear reports about what different organizations and committees within our annual conference have done this year, and their plans for next year. We will celebrate and ordain new clergy, celebrate new appointments, and remember those who have died. We also get to vote on things like a strategic direction for GNJ, our conference Safe Sanctuaries policy which protects children and vulnerable adults, and a policy for training clergy to recognize and respond to abuse.

All of it is important work so that United Methodists might be able to work together and make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

Next week, you’ll hear directly from Jane about all that happened there. I encourage you to look at the information at to read more about it. There will likely be a live stream so that you can join in from home!

Blessings friends,
Pastor Nicole