"Book of James" Bible Study
Bible Study for Lent: “Life Lessons from James”, has started. Last session is Wednesday, April 2 at St. Paul’s UMC at noon. Since it is at Noon, please bring some soup BYOS. If interested just show up.
Bible Study for Lent: “Life Lessons from James”, has started. Last session is Wednesday, April 2 at St. Paul’s UMC at noon. Since it is at Noon, please bring some soup BYOS. If interested just show up.
Come and be part of our Family Worship Service on this Palm Sunday
Come and be part of a combined church (St. Paul’s UMC & Central UMC) Worship Service on this Maundy Thurday.
Come and be part of a combined church (St. Paul’s UMC & Central UMC) Worship Service on this Good Friday.
Come to an Easter Sunrise Worship Service where seven churches come together to praise the Risen Christ, Jesus.
Come and be part of a combined church (St. Paul’s UMC & Central UMC) Worship Service on this Easter Sunday.
Bible Study for Lent: “Life Lessons from James”, started last week. Next session is Wednesday, March 19 continues to April 2 at St. Paul’s UMC at noon. Since it is at Noon, please bring some soup BYOS. If interested just show up.
Bible Study for Lent: “Life Lessons from James”, started last week. Next session is Wednesday, March 19 continues to April 2 at St. Paul’s UMC at noon. Since it is at Noon, please bring some soup BYOS. If interested just show up.
Breaking Bread Fellowship for Men, will meet for a light breakfast, devotion. and prayer at St. Paul’s UMC at 9:00am.
There will be a Joint Ash Wednesday Worship Service at Central UMC, March 5, 2025 at 6:00 PM
There will be a Combined Service of Healing and Annointing at St. Paul’s UMC, Sunday March 2, 2025 at 2:00 PM with Central UMC and St. Paul’s UMC Brick.
Come Celebrate Tom's 30+ years of playing in St. Paul's praise band
Breaking Bread Fellowship for Men, will meet for a light breakfast, devotion. and prayer at St. Paul’s UMC at 9:00am.
Breaking Bread Fellowship for Women will meet for a brown bag lunch at St. Paul’s UMC 12:30PM. Please bring a bag lunch. Coffee and tea will be provided.
Please come and help serve a meal for those less fortunate.
Breaking Bread Fellowship for Men, will meet for a light breakfast, devotion. and prayer at St. Paul’s UMC at 8:00am. Please let Bruce Hillner know if you will attend. 732-475-0830
Joint Service with Central UMC
Joint Service with Central UMC
Breaking Bread Fellowship for Men, will meet for a light breakfast, devotion. and prayer at St. Paul’s UMC at 8:00am. Please let Bruce Hillner know if you will attend. 732-475-0830
Breaking Bread Fellowship for Women will meet for a brown bag lunch at Central UMC noon. Please bring a bag lunch. Coffee and tea will be provided.
St. Paul’s is doing Community Outreach at the Jolly Tar
56 Bridge Ave, Bay Head
Come out and support our local businesses and help in serving.
Please join us as we start the Advent season with listening to the Pt. Pleasant Boro School Show Choir and signing Christmas carols.
Local Churches Thanksgiving Service
Breaking Bread Fellowship for Women will meet for a brown bag lunch at St. Paul’s UMC noon. Please bring a bag lunch. Coffee and tea will be provided.
All members are encouraged to attend. Our church annual report is presented along with a “State of the Church” discussing the past year and what our future vision is.
You all are invited to the Vision Team Meeting on Sunday, October 6, after worship service and during coffee hour. We will be discussing the ideas for expanding our church ministries, such as enhancing our worship service, holding a community dinner, and other ideas submitted. You need to be a part of how we are moving forward in 2025.
Breaking Bread Fellowship for Women will meet for a brown bag lunch at Central UMC at noon. Let Patty Applegate know if you will attend. 732-899-8389.
Breaking Bread Fellowship for Men, will meet for a light breakfast at St. Paul’s UMC at 8:00am. Please let Bruce Hillner know if you will attend. 848-667-3171.
Come have Breakfast with us before service at 8:15am with fellowship and then Worship at 9:00am.
We are collecting:
Small Appliances
Craft Supplies
Toy/Games (Clean with no broken or missing pieces)
Small Table-Top Sized Items - must fit in a car
(Please make sure all items are new or gently used and in working order)
We are NOT collecting:
Stuffed Animals
The Bay Head Town-Wide Garage Sale is schedule for Saturday May 4th with a rain date of Sunday May 5th. We plan to set up tables outside. Helpers will be needed to help sort, price, and tag all the items prior to the sale. Helpers and Greeters will be needed on the day of the sale as well.