
“I hereby command you: Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
~Joshua 1:9

It was announced last week that on July 1, 2023 I will become the pastor at Atlantic Highlands Navesink UMC and St. Paul’s will be under new pastoral leadership. This news caught all of us off guard.

United Methodists are part of something called the “Itinerant System.” It comes from our recognition that every pastor has different gifts and talents, as does each church. Our Bishop and the District Superintendents meet for a good portion of the year to match pastors and churches for fruitful ministry. While there is nothing wrong with our ministry together, they felt that we could do better ministry if we were to end our relationship as pastor and congregation. There are, of course, more details to the story but that is for our Staff Parish Relations Committee to share when they feel it is appropriate.

While I am, without a doubt, sad to be leaving St. Paul’s and the Bay Head community, I am excited to see what your next chapter holds. I said this most every Sunday since I’ve arrived, and I’ll say it again:

God is real. God is here. And God is not done with you yet. 

Change is inevitable. Change is hard. Change is a necessary part of faith-filled living. Since the beginning of time God’s people faced change after change- getting kicked out of the Eden, being enslaved in Egypt, escaping Egypt, getting new rules to live by, coming to the place where they would finally put down roots- these are just a few. But time and time again, we hear God, or a messenger from God, saying, “do not be afraid.”

These words from Joshua are a message from God to the people who are about to undergo yet another change. They have been wandering through the wilderness for decades and are finally coming to the place where they can put down roots. The only problem is, there are some obstacles to overcome. One of the biggest being their key leader, Moses, had died.

They felt lost and confused. They felt that God had abandoned them.

So here comes the words of God through Joshua: “be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Jesus promised to be with us always through the power of God’s word and the Holy Spirit. Friends, I know God keeps all promises. I know this to be true, because as I too face yet another life change, I am feeling strong and courageous where I should be frightened and dismayed. I didn’t feel this way when I first got the call and there are moments where that fear creeps in. But, I know Jesus is by my side giving me the strength to do all that God has called me to do.

And I have no doubt that God is walking with you too.

You are beloved, cherished, and forgiven children of God. And God is not done with you yet.

Blessings friends,
Pastor Nicole