The Yo-Yo


“ 8 Draw near to God, and God will draw near to you.” ~ James 4:8

Do you remember the yo-yo? That toy that has been around since before Jesus was born? The one that you tie around your finger, throw towards the ground, and with a gentle yank make it fly back up into your hand? I do. In fact, I have a few at home.

When I was in high school, there were a few of my classmates who could do all sorts of neat tricks with them- walking the dog, the sleeper, around the world, and so many more. I had seen my older brother and his friends doing these tricks when I was growing up and I was anxious to learn. So, I asked my classmates to show me how. But I was impatient, slow to learn, and to this day have not figured them out.

As I was reading this passage from James, I thought, “God is just like a yo-yo!” Then I thought more about it and realized, that’s not quite it.

See, with a yo-yo, you have to pull your hand away from the toy if you want to pull it back up, and then patiently wait for it to return. If you try to reach down and catch it, you will likely mess up the physics of what is happening and wind up with just an awkwardly bouncing piece of wood or plastic on a string. James tells us that God does just the opposite.

As we explored a little bit in worship this past Sunday, when we dive into who God is by studying scripture, it is easier for us to see God. As we love on others when they are at their lowest, it is easier for us to feel God’s love when we are at our lowest. As we reach out to God, God reaches out to us.

But hang with me because in some ways God is like a yo-yo. See, God will take our smallest of motions and use them to fuel an epic leap between us, just like when we ask the yo-yo to return to our hand. Think of it this way, when we repent of our sins, a relatively small act, God leaps forward and embraces us, forgives us, and helps us to live into who we have been created to be- reflections of God. God is sitting there at the end of the string, just waiting for us to move, even the tiniest bit, so that we can be reunited and our relationship be made whole.

What movements are you making?

Let me know how I can pray for you this week.

Comment your thoughts below!

Blessings friends,
Pastor Nicole