What Do I Do?

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There has been much happening in the world around us this week. Earthquakes in Haiti, political unrest in Afghanistan, not to mention continued struggles with the COVID-19 virus and all it’s variants. On weeks like this, I find myself becoming overwhelmed and struggling to discern how God might be calling me, and us, to respond to the world.

In regard to the devastation in Haiti, there are a number of organizations and groups that will be collecting and preparing to go to Haiti to help with the recovery efforts. Many of you will feel a call to donate to these causes. I encourage you to donate through UMCOR as 100% of your donations go directly to relief work. As time goes by, there will be other ways to assist and I will be sure to keep you updated, especially as hurricanes continue to form and wreak havoc on the islands and our coastal areas. Check on the website here for the most up-to-date information: stpaulsbayhead.org/disasterreliefandrecovery

In regard to what is happening in Afghanistan we have two very important courses of action. As those in Afghanistan struggle with their political situation, I’d like to offer you this prayer for the people that is adapted from our Book of Worship to use:

“God of all the ages, in your sight nations rise and fall, and pass through times of peril. Now when the land of Afghanistan is troubled, be near to judge and save. May leaders be led by your wisdom; may they search your will and see it clearly. Guide all the people with your light and truth. Where there is pride, subdue it. Where there is need, supply it. Where there is error, rectify it. Where there is default, restore it. And where it holds to that which is just and compassionate, support it. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.” (UMBOW 516 & 517)

Additionally, for the last 20 years there have been hundreds of thousands of American soldiers, and many others, who fought for freedom in Afghanistan to enhance the quality of life there and as a way to protect our own country. Thousands died. Thousands more were injured. And many of our veteran and active service men and women are filled with frustration and disappointment over current events. Many are questioning their part in the war and the lives that were lost along the way. Regardless of how you feel politically, pray for them and support them, and their families, in any way you can. I’d like to offer you this prayer is adapted from our Book of Worship to use:

“God of every nation, teach us to see every question of national policy in light of our faith. Guard the minds, bodies, and souls of the brave men and women in military service. Though for a season they must be people of war, let them live for peace. Encourage them as they encourage one another and fill their hearts with your peace. May we always remember those who sacrificed themselves, our brothers and sisters who have given their lives for the sake of others, and the families they leave behind. Grant those who have ended their time of service the confidence that they did all they could to fight for peace and justice in the world. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.” (UMBOW 440, 515, & 542)

While we are consistently called to be beacons of God’s light and love in the world around us, it is vital for us to be a community of love and forgiveness, proclaiming the good news, and praying for one another. Let us be a place where others turn to see the hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the peace that comes with believing in our Lord, Savior, and Friend.

Blessings friends,
Pastor Nicole