Greater New Jersey Annual Conference- Adjourned Session

For more information about the Conference, click here.

For more information about the Conference, click here.

As a United Methodist Church, we are part of a larger connection system that lifts up a number of different ministries, missions, and resources for all United Methodist Churches. This past week, the Great New Jersey Annual Conference held and Adjourned Session to continue to discuss and celebrate the ministry of UM Churches in this area. Read the letter below to find out what happened! You can watch the whole session here.

Blessings friends,
Pastor Nicole

The people of GNJ gathered on the morning of October 14 for the 2021 Adjourned Annual Conference Session – Forward. The powerful scripture from Proverbs continued to shape the conference session as we gathered in fellowship and trusted God to help us move forward to transform the world!

District Superintendent and Dean of Cabinet Rev. Sang Won Doh welcomed us in prayer as he thanked God for lighting the way in the midst of challenge. Tanzania Conference Bishop Mande Muyombo of the North Katanga Episcopal Area shared in the greeting, saying, "This team gives hope to not only the Greater New Jersey Conference, but also the Tanzania Conference, Africa and the entire world" as he implored everyone not to "quench the spirit" and not give up on mission.

Bishop Schol echoed this sentiment when he recognized the strong ministry and mission that still continues among our congregations and how that growth along with the music heard today have enriched our souls. "We are bound together as friends in Christ all around the world," he said.

"We're here to allow the spirit to flow and move through us," said Bishop Schol as he welcomed everyone to take part in the session.

2022 Consolidated Budget 

A 2022 consolidated budget that includes all billings to congregations, GNJ ministry and mission and general church apportionments passed in a vote of 337-94. This includes a 15.2% shared ministry apportionment - 12.3% for GNJ shared ministry apportionment and 2.9% for general church apportionment; a $1.732 million from property sales to support congregations with their billings; and a salary and support for six district superintendents. It was also mentioned that it includes a five percent draw from GNJ Designated Funds to support the mission of GNJ and retiree healthcare.

Also passed at the session was the formal reduction from nine to six districts in a vote of 364-80, which will help GNJ better align superintending, resources and other support with the number of congregations we currently have. During this time, Bishop Schol applauded congregations on the rise in vitality and is hopeful that GNJ will one day soon reach 60% vital congregations. He also stressed the importance of including more women among the cabinet following the death of Rev. Myrna Bethke and appointment of Rev. Dr. Gina Hendrickson and retirement of Rev. Dr. Gina Kim. Rev. Juel Nelson, director of leadership development and Rev. Enger Muteteke, director of resourcing, have joined appointive cabinet meetings so that a good diversity of voices, including women’s voices, are included.

Other Legislation

Designated Fund Legislation (postponed from May; details on pp. 28-30 of the Pre-Conference Workbook) - passed in a vote of 288-87. Adoption of this legislation will help fund present vital ministry and ensure a sustainable future mission and ministry.

Itemized Shared Ministries Statements and Remittance Forms (pg. 31) - passed in a vote of 333-46. As a result, church treasurers only have to focus on two funds when remitting payments rather than detailing eight areas.

Trustees Enabling Resolution Amendment - Adding Conflict of Interest Statements (pp. 33-34) - The recommendation not to include the amendment passed in a vote of 288-87. Conflict of Interest policies for CFA, the Board of Trustees, agencies of the Connectional Table, and Vital Mission Partners were shared. The Conflict of Interest Policy for the Annual Conference will be affirmed by all registrants beginning with the next Annual Conference Session. These will be sent to the Council of Bishops.

Retiree Health Plan Amendment (pp. 35-40) - was not adopted in a vote of 281-104. The revised plan, created by the CFA and the Board of Pensions and was passed in the May 2021 Annual Conference Session, will impact as few people as possible while lowering the liability and creating savings now.

Rules Amendment: Nominations for General and Jurisdictional Delegates (pg. 41) - was referred to the Rules Committee by a vote of 347-12.

Additional details related to all legislation can be found here.