St. Pauls UMC

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Every week I sit down and prayerfully reflect on what is happening in the world, the church, and in the lives of those who share with me. And when I get stuck, I sit in my office and I look at pictures of my niece, nephews and other children who are an important part of my life and think, ‘if I could tell them one thing today, what would it be?’

I always have music going when I’m working, and as I was reflecting the song “Sunday Sermons” by Anne Wilson came on. And there’s one section that always sticks out to me…

Gonna have my worries, well that's part of life / But then I think of those stories 'bout what my God can do / He's still moving like He did back then

I know I have shared with you in worship that in my own moments of frustration and doubt, it wasn’t words like “God loves you” that helped me through. It was recognizing that there are moments in the history of God’s people where they felt the same way, and God came through for them. This is what Anne Wilson says about the song:

“This is my story of growing up in the church since I was a little girl. God used every Sunday sermon to develop a firm foundation in Him. I didn't realize just how deep my roots were in Him from all those years of showing up to church each Sunday until I encountered hardships in my life. No matter what happens in life - even losing a loved one, I can always go back to that foundation of truth that the Lord planted in me through each of those sermons. This song is to remind you to cling to the One who's consistent and faithful. Jesus loves you more than you could ever imagine.”[1]

This is why it’s important to tell the stories of God’s people. This is why we teach children stories of David and Goliath, Daniel and the lion’s den, Samuel, and Moses to name a few. We teach the stories so that in moments of hardship, which are inevitable in life, we have something to remind us that God is real, God is here, and God keeps God’s promises.

Since it’s one of the first stories I learned, I always go back to Daniel and his commitment to his faith. No matter what was happening in his world, Daniel worshiped God. And because of his loyalty and commitment, God ensured that all things were made for good.

What stories can you think of that show the same thing? What stories of God’s people can you turn to when times get tough?

Blessings friends,
Pastor Nicole
