St. Pauls UMC

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Getting Rid of the Darkness

1:1 When God began creating the heavens and the earth, 2 the earth was a shapeless, chaotic mass, with the Spirit of God brooding over the dark vapors. 3 Then God said, “Let there be light.” And light appeared.
~Genesis 1:1-3 Living Bible (TLB)

I had the wonderful opportunity this week to attend the installation service for our new District Superintending, Rev. Ronell Howard. It was a beautiful service and I wish you had been there to hear Rev. Howard’s message. So, here is a recap:

When God created the world, there was nothing but chaos. God brooded (isn’t that a great word!). God looked at the world and was not happy with it and decided to do something. So, God did the one thing that could make the darkness go away- God created light. When we think of this light, we often think of the sun and the stars. But God didn’t contain the light in these balls of fiery-gas until the fourth day. So where did the light come from?

Rev. Howard says, it’s simple. The light came from God. God, who is all things, is light and shared that piece with the world. Then and only then, did God begin to harness the waters to create oceans and land. Only then did God create plant life. Only then did God harness the light into the sun and moon. Only then did God create the see creatures and birds. Only then did God create the land creatures. Only then, when the world was no longer full of chaos and was a place where life would flourish did God create humankind, in God’s image, to tend to this creation.

So then, when we look at the world full of darkness and chaos, it is only light that can scatter the darkness and begin to bring order to the world. But it’s a very specific light- God’s light.

Since we are made in the image of God, we too have a piece of that light, and we need to let it shine if we are to have any chance of getting rid of the darkness and chaos that exists all around us. But how do we do that?

Friends be all God has created you to be- someone who live a life filled with peace, hope, love, and joy. Be the one who stands up for others. Be the one who reaches out. Be the one who is just truly and authentically yourself. Because that is when that light will shine out of you. And only then, will we be able to see how to create order out of chaos.  

Blessings friends,
Pastor Nicole