St. Pauls UMC

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A Prayer for the School Year

It felt like summer was unbelievable short to me. It is hard to believe that the school year is just around the corner. I remember growing up, I loved the end of summer purely because it was time to go back to school. As an adult, I know now that school is not the safe haven I always thought it to be. Not only are there the timeless struggles such as puberty, fitting in, bullying and the like, there seem to be new struggles as parents, teachers, administrators, and yes even young children, fear for their safety. Between a worldwide pandemic, lack of supplies, and an increase in gun violence, students who once saw school as an escape from a less than ideal home situation, now find their fears creeping into the one place they felt safe. Students who normally feel safe, now find fear creeping into their lives.

As followers of Jesus, we are called to remove stumbling blocks that stand between people and God’s fountain of grace. We are called to be people who remove the stumbling blocks that keep people from growing into who God has created and called them to be. And, as Jesus tells us, this includes our children.

While I am not a parent, I say “our children” because anyone who has participated in a baptismal service has committed to surround people “with a community of love and forgiveness, so that they might grow in their trust of God” as we welcome them into the family of Christ. How are they supposed to grow in their trust of God if they fear for their life in places that are supposed to be safe?

I don’t have the answers. I don’t even know what they would look like. And while I want to step in and do something, I don’t know what to do. So I put my trust in God. We can’t change the world. We can’t force people to love God and to love others. But we, as a community, might be able to find those answers to keep our children, and the people who care for and teach them, safe. And I pray, that God will not only show us the answers, but show us how we as a community of faith can step-up and respond.

While we listen for God’s voice together, will you join me between now and the school year in this prayer:

“At the beginning of a new school year, O God of wisdom, we offer thanks and praise for the gift of new beginnings and the opportunity to learn and to wonder. We pray for teachers, students, and staff that this year might be rewarding for all. In our learning and our teaching, may we grow both in service and love. Make yourself known, as we face the challenge of new tasks, the fear of failure, the expectations of parents, friends, and self. Make yourself known as we face the fear of the unknown and the rapidly changing world. Make yourself known as we walk into buildings that no longer feel safe. Make yourself known as we struggle to hear your voice call out, “do not be afraid.” Make yourself known as we seek to find answers to questions that plague us. Through your son Jesus Christ, who is our Lord, our Savior, and our Friend, we pray. Amen.” ~Adapted United Methodist Book of Worship #535[1]

Comment your thoughts below!

Blessings friends,
Pastor Nicole

[1] The United Methodist Book of Worship (Nashville, TN: The United Methodist Publishing House, 1992), page 535