St. Pauls UMC

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Our Baptismal Covenant

I am so excited for worship this week! I am always excited but this week is especially special as we will be celebrating the baptism of two young disciples! Not only is baptism that moment where the candidate is “initiated into Christ’s holy church… incorporated into God’s mighty acts of salvation, and given new birth through water and the Spirit,” but it is the moment where those of us who are already a part of the great big Family of God step back and remember our own Baptisms, and remember the Covenant made between us, God, AND the Body of Christ.

My second favorite moment of our Baptismal liturgy is two-fold, and is the part that the congregation, the Body of Christ, plays. We, as Christ’s body, “reaffirm our rejection of sin and our commitment to Christ.” Then, we commit to “nurturing one another in the Christian faith and life”, including those who are being baptized that day! We commit to “proclaiming the good news and living according to the example of Christ,” “surrounding them with a community of love and forgiveness,” “praying for them,” and generally living by example so that others might “be true disciples who walk in the way that leads to life.” We recognize them as “members of the family of Christ.”

As much as a Baptism Sunday is a celebration of the work God has done, is doing, and will do in the candidate, it is also a reminder of the promises we have made to those who are a part of the family. And since all of humanity is loved by God, whether the individual knows it or not, we are called to love on them the same way.

Even if you don’t actually remember your own baptism, every baptism we celebrate together is a commitment to being Christ’s body, living as God’s hands and feet, renewing the Covenant made between us, God, AND the Body of Christ.

So then, what are some ways that you nurture others in the Christian faith and life? Live according to the example of Christ? Create a community of love and forgiveness? Pray for others?

In other words, how do you live into your baptismal covenant?

Comment your thoughts below! View the full liturgy at here.

Blessings friends,
Pastor Nicole

August 13, 2021